This past month has been a success as far as my gaming goals have gone. I managed to make progress in each game I focused on and I feel pretty good about the breadth of experiences I was able to …

Gaming in the Month of September 2018 Read more »

This week included Labor Day so I got a little bit of extra time to play around in the various gaming worlds and it was a good thing since I started up 2 new games – Everquest 2 and Warframe. …

My Week in Gaming: September 2-8, 2018 Read more »

Daily Ramble 16: Finally Some Time The past few days have been crazy busy. I’ve been able to post my game logs from the Angels but that’s been all the time I’ve had. Today, I’ve finally got some time to …

Rambling Again on #Blaugust Day 17 Read more »

Daily Ramble 7:#BlaugustReborn Day 4, A Look at Gaming Goals for #Blaugust It’s good to see so many of the people participating in #BlaugustReborn planning out their game play during the month. Since this is the first Saturday of the …

#BlaugustReborn Day 4 Read more »