The Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness tournament has been running for about two weeks now and we’ve seen the results of 8 matches. Some have played out as expected while others contain surprises, but I’m happy with where things are at …

Two Weeks of Madness Read more »

I’m getting this out a bit later today since I am kinda in a state of denial. I mean, I can understand my Angels losing because they’ve got some injuries, and after all, it’s a 162 game season, so they’re …

Unbelievable Losses Read more »

Champions Online has defeated The Witcher 3 in the first round of the Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness in a surprising upset! I suppose this could be considered the madness part because, in the real world, The Witcher 3 is a …

Champions Defeats The Witcher Read more »

Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the best characters to come out of the first Star Wars movie 45 years ago, and I was happy to see his character fleshed out and expanded upon during the prequels. Now we get to …

Obi-Wan Kenobi starts on Disney+ Read more »

It may not have been a 95 or a 100, but ArcheAge scored the first perfect RNG roll of the tournament, The Witcher 3 started working its magic against Champions Online, and Guild Wars completed its incredible comeback. Around the …

ArcheAge Scored a Perfect 85 Read more »

While I know there are tons of horrible things in the news these days, I choose to focus on the positive and trivial. So for my positive, I look at Boeing and their first success in a long time. For …

Success and Setbacks Read more »

We have our first winner in the first round of the Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness tournament as we see Guild Wars start to fight back. All this as The Witcher stumbles out of the gate and gives Champions Online a …

Stumbling Favorites Read more »

The Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness Shadows Division looks to be a pretty competitive one. Three MMOs based on classic and well-known IPs are here…Star Trek Online, Star Wars The Old Republic, and Lord of the Rings Online, and they are …

Picks for Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness Shadows Division Read more »

Today I make selections for the 9th and 10th seeds of each of the divisions, and I feel like things are starting to come into focus… The Dark Division 1) Dark Souls 2 2) WURM 3) City of Heroes 4) …

Filling in Seeds 9 and 10 Read more »