11.22.63 is Worth the Watch
I just watched the first episode of the Stephen King and J.J. Abrams Hulu original 11.22.63 and I am hooked. Such a good show. Though I worry that someone is gonna find his iPhone back in the 60s and create …
I just watched the first episode of the Stephen King and J.J. Abrams Hulu original 11.22.63 and I am hooked. Such a good show. Though I worry that someone is gonna find his iPhone back in the 60s and create …
I've been looking at comic books to read lately and with Marvel Unlimited, I'm real excited to read some of the old Silver Age books that started the heroes we know today. The price is great to be able to …
League of Legends Patch 6.4 I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've noticed that Riot is releasing patch notes the day before the patch actually drops. They may have done this in the past, but I enjoy reading …
My next set of placement games saw me go 2-2 and I realized that my hopes for everything being perfect in season 6 were misplaced. Game 1 had me playing Xin Zhao as a jungler. Now, I did not sign …
Biggest Loser of the Week Wow. I got a notice the other day that my free subscription to SumAll was going away in 7 days. That is, if I did not upgrade to premium. They were shutting down their free …
I'm a bit frustrated this morning because somehow some dumb spam-bot started spamming my blog with comments this morning at 1 am. Grrr! After being woke up, with bleary eyes, I figured out how to set the WordPress app on …
Well, after my surprising 7-0 opening win in ranked I felt pretty good about heading into season 6. Lux was fun to play and I felt I was getting better at her in both mid and support roles. My second …
Tomorrow is a big day…for those who don't have tickets yet, the San Diego Comic-Con 2016 registration is tomorrow morning. I'm fortunate enough to have already purchased tickets for Thursday thru Sunday, but I may try to get a ticket …
Each season of League of Legends begins with a series of 10 placement games – these games determine what tier you begin the season in. Season 4 was my first playing ranked, and I ended up starting in Bronze and …
My year of Marvel Unlimited is coming to a close and I'd have to say it's been worth the $69 I spent for the year. I'm not sure how many comics I've read, but I've got over 100 in my …