Lore-master Trait Options
I actually made it through my morning drive to work without setting off my car alarm or throwing my coffee everywhere this morning. Success! Take Me Out to the Ball Game I know pitchers and catchers have been at Spring …
Posts related to Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)
I actually made it through my morning drive to work without setting off my car alarm or throwing my coffee everywhere this morning. Success! Take Me Out to the Ball Game I know pitchers and catchers have been at Spring …
Not even 24 hours after my last wonderful experience with my car alarm, I have another run in. This one was even more catastrophic. Today instead of holding onto my keys as I placed my coffee and my water in …
I thought today was going to be a good day, but when I left my house to get in the car, I set off the alarm. It wasn't like I was trying to cause such an annoyance early in the …
Level 3 to 4 in Lord of the Rings Online expands on some of the combat quests I did during the previous levels, and I think sets a foundation for advancing even further. Quests had me running around the a …
Reaching level 3 in LOTRO was no problem. Once through the tutorial featuring Elrond, I started running errands for his son Elladan around Thorin's Gate. After a couple of mundane quests he gave me enough XP to reach level 3. …
Branching out in my leveling, I decided to give another run at Lord of the Rings Online. I've actually tried starting a character in LOTRO a couple times, once with a Loremaster who I got to level 20 and once …
I started this, my Blaugust Day 6 post, before hearing anything about the WoW expansion. Now I know the Burning Legion is coming back and there is a bunch of news on the expansion. In any case, I put this …
Blaugust Day 6 – More WoW Speculation and LotRo Consolidation Read more »
Galadriel sees many things in her mirror that worry her. #LOTRO Views from Beyond the Gate #15 | Lord of the Rings Online #1
Looking at my inbox this morning, I saw 2 items that I wanted to share. The first relates to The Secret World, the other item relates to The Hobbit. One month after launch, Funcom is throwing a party for The …
Goldenstar over at A Casual Stroll to Mordor asks the question “Would You Join the Beta?” in her weekly poll, and I emphatically answered – YES! I've had great experiences in betas and on playtest servers in the past (StarFleet …