Daily Ramble for March 9 2025
It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally going to see about getting back into the swing of posting regularly again. Yes, my last post was a ‘Hello 2025’ message, but now that it is mid-March, I feel …
Posts related to Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)
It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally going to see about getting back into the swing of posting regularly again. Yes, my last post was a ‘Hello 2025’ message, but now that it is mid-March, I feel …
Today in my BTG Seven, I ramble on about the election, LOTRO’s newest expansion, new music, TV shows, and puppies, among other things. Today is the day for another LOTRO expansion, the Legacy of Morgoth. I’ve never been on the …
Today in my BTG Seven, I start watching the second season of Rings of Power, continue with the Umbrella Academy, get excited and wary about the Dune MMO, and worry that the fires in California are actually being set intentionally. …
Today my BTG Seven kicks off with some sadness, dives into the unexpected, and finishes with a predictable season… Sad to hear that James Earl Jones has passed away. He was a wonderful actor who immortalized Darth Vader, Mufasa, and …
Of course, as tends to happen, days get busy, and before I know it, August is nearly done, and with it, Blaugust 2024. I won’t let the fact that this is the last Monday of Blaugust discourage me from getting …
Today my goal is to break out of my funk and post an actual thought-out ramble rather than the fodder and stopgaps that I have been publishing lately just to ensure I have a post for each day of Blaugust …
As I mentioned, I am a procrastinator, which you can tell by my short (but posted) 9th post of Blaugust yesterday. I did manage to get a little something published, even if it was not what I planned on pushing …
I take a look at the second set of 5 blogs that are participating in Blaugust 2022 and find some interesting content.
Blaugust is back, and I’m excited to see all my blogging buddies, read what they’re up to, and jump back into the community. This 2022 version seems a lot like the 2021 version for me, though…I’m just getting back into …
After feeling so optimistic about my Angels team and how well they were performing, I am really feeling low today after they were swept out of Texas. The Rundown First off, here are a few things of interest for …