What I Read during Week 6 of 2019
This was a pretty hectic week with me focused more on reading through the graphic novels on my list than individual issues and since it’s Valentine’s Day and I don’t have much time to post, I’ll try to make this …
This was a pretty hectic week with me focused more on reading through the graphic novels on my list than individual issues and since it’s Valentine’s Day and I don’t have much time to post, I’ll try to make this …
Lotsa new stuff in here this week and I’m working on reading some issues from each category each week. From DC Universe Gotham City Sirens Vol. 1 – Union by Paul Dini and Guillem March. Published by DC Comics, …
Revenge is Sweet Extremity #1 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spicer, and Rus Wooten. Published by Image Comics, 2017. Extremes are what this issue is all about and it paints a detailed world where extreme action can take place. The …
Lotsa new stuff in here this week but it seems I’m getting on the train a bit late with a few. Never too late but it seems to take me forever to catch up. Marvel Unlimited Weekly Releases Sentry #2 …
During the 2nd week of the year I decided I was gonna track all my reading in one process. I figured that reading a comic is pretty close to reading a novel or a science textbook so I might as …
This week I actually got around to reviewing selections from DC Universe and Comixology Unlimited so I expanded my list. Comixology Battlestar Galactica: Classic #3 by John Jackson Miller and Daniel HDR. Published by Dynamite Entertainment, 2019. – Actually I’m …
I wanted to branch out this week and start looking at Comixology Unlimited and DC Universe but I ran outta time to figure out what I wanted to read. Next week I’m gonna start earlier and try to add those …
I’m hoping with the holidays behind me I can get back and catch up with these comics on my pull list. It’s typical that my “to read” list grows and throws, just like my “to play” list of games does …
From the name of this series I certainly had no idea what it was about but I heard good things when it came out earlier this year. I suppose even after reading this first issue I’m not completely sure where …
This week has only a few new releases but with my pulls from Marvel Unlimited I’ve got plenty. I’m also going back a few weeks to see if I can catch up on some highly rated titles that I missed …