Storing Feelings and Time
Daily Ramble #3: Storing Feelings and Time Today I’m looking at a few things including a big question about how to find storage for my screenshots and videos. I’ve been using external USB drives for the most part but I …
Daily Ramble #3: Storing Feelings and Time Today I’m looking at a few things including a big question about how to find storage for my screenshots and videos. I’ve been using external USB drives for the most part but I …
Daily Ramble 2: MMO Book Club and the Hall of Fame This week Blaugust starts but we’re not quite there yet…still a couple days to go, but I’m so excited I went and started renumbering my daily ramble posts. Before …
Daily Ramble 1: Blogging into Blaugust 2018 It’s almost here and I’m pretty excited to see the crowd of friends that have gathered for this year’s Blaugust. New and returning, young and not so young, everyone that’s signed up, wether …
WOW! What a couple of games from a 12 year minor league catcher! Francisco Arcia is certainly making the most of his first at bats in the majors. In yesterday’s game he hit his 2nd home run of his career …
Three in a row…is this a winning streak for my Angels? The last time they won 3 in a row was back in mid June so this is definitely a positive sign, and they’re doing it with good offense and …
The Angels inmproved thier winning streak to 2 in a row against the White Sox today and not only that they scored double digits for the second game in a row. It was fun to watch but as usual when …
Hmm…it almost seems like I’m writing a baseball blog this week but in reality I’m still recovering from the mental and physical exhaustion of Comic-Con. While I love the 5 day marathon, it truly is a draining experience. But then …
The Angels are in a bit of a cycle these days with the offense either scoring double digit runs or none at all. Wednesday featured the former and it was good to see the team hitting like they know what …
I’m still working on getting back into the swing of posting after Comic-Con and the Angels aren’t helping my motivation. But as I watched this game it seemed once again to show how deflated the Angels have become.
One outta three isn’t bad against the defending World Series Champs but it’s not what I wanted to see from my team. They shoulda taken 2 of the 3 at home if not swept Houston at home.