Another Close One
The Angels found themselves in another close one with the Twins on Saturday after waiting over 4 hours for rain to stop. Tyler Skaggs (4–4 3.27 ERA) faced off against Kyle Gibson (1–3 3.54 ERA) in what turned out to …
The Angels found themselves in another close one with the Twins on Saturday after waiting over 4 hours for rain to stop. Tyler Skaggs (4–4 3.27 ERA) faced off against Kyle Gibson (1–3 3.54 ERA) in what turned out to …
Even though I was sick, I did get a chance to watch the game Friday and saw Kinsler keeping things strong. He’s really been on fire lately and I hope it continues.
Fortunately I don’t get sick too often but this time around I feel like crap. I left work early yesterday and slept and slept and slept hoping that would make things better but I think I’m taking today off as …
Thor faces his ultimate adversary in this issue as he must face off against himself. Professor Zaxton, who seemed to be a good guy in the beginning of the story turns out to be power hungry as he uses a …
After sweeping the Kansas City Royals, the Angels finished a 5–1 homestand and come within a single game of .500 at the Big A.
This month I was determined to get out my goal post early so I had targets to work towards during the month. I also am gonna look at things a bit differently. Usually I focus on the games I want …
First Look Logan has accepted that he is no longer on his world as he saw the Wolverine of this world encased in adamantium in the last issue. But with that acceptance comes some things that Logan has to do. …
It took 116 pitches, one of the highest of the season, but Andrew Heaney threw the team’s first complete game and shutout of the season on his 27th birthday no less.
As we saw in the Rebirth issue, Oliver Queen and Dinah Drake are Green Arrow and Black Canary and they’re on a mission to track down and save the homeless of Seattle from a group calling themselves the Underground Men. …
Yesterday’s game was pretty crazy…so much so that Mike Trout had to power 2 different comebacks. Opposed to the game on Sunday where the Angels took the lead in the 2nd inning and Tyler Skaggs held it, Nick Tropeano had …