W-Space Learning Curve
Like everything in Eve, there is a leaning curve to living in w-space. Part of that learning is what to expect on a daily basis. Today I learned what happens when I log in later in the day…all the Sleeper …
Like everything in Eve, there is a leaning curve to living in w-space. Part of that learning is what to expect on a daily basis. Today I learned what happens when I log in later in the day…all the Sleeper …
Today we found the entrance to another wormhole, and I took a trip to Amarr to pick up a Drake. The outbound static landed me in Devoid and it was only a dozen jumps to get to Amarr to do …
My second day in a wormhole was pretty active. We cleared out Sleepers in about a dozen anamolies and I decided I needed to take a trip to high sec to pick up a scouting ship. Today, the static connection …
The first day getting into a wormhole was pretty exciting. Through a guild podcast, I heard that one of the Eve corporations from the guild was working in wormholes, and since I have wanted to give it a try for …
One the eve of a highly anticipated 3 day weekend, I feel I have been bombarded by sad gaming news. Evemon development is being suspended for an indefinite time due to RL events effecting the lead developer, Jimi. According to …
A couple of news items from Funcom and The Secret World in the past few weeks. Layoffs!!! Mentioned at the last stock meeting, Funcom announced that The Secret World did not meet expected sales numbers. This has prompted a series …
Preregistration for Comic-Con 2013 started this morning at 8:00am PDT, and once again, I did not get my tickets without issue. 8:00 am – I am on my MacBook, I open the preregistration email and I click the link…safari opens …
Well, I tried to work with time-boxing my game time as I mentioned last weekend, but failed miserably. I failed because as Victor from Games and Geekery mentioned in his comment, “Eve is a daunting, needy mistress”, and my alliance …
This Sunday, humanity takes one step closer to putting a person on a planet other than Earth. At 10:31pm PDT on Sunday, August 5th, the Mars Rover, Curiosity, will land on the red planet. That is, as long as it …
By now, I'm sure you've heard that SWTOR is going free-to-play. In my mind, this is a step in the right direction. The other part of the announcement is what I find encouraging… Over the coming months there will be …