Week 2 Loss in Fantasy Football
119 to 85.3. That was the score that my fantasy team lost by this week. I though t I made a couple of good moves, but apparently not good enough. I picked up Carlos Hyde, RB from San Francisco for …
119 to 85.3. That was the score that my fantasy team lost by this week. I though t I made a couple of good moves, but apparently not good enough. I picked up Carlos Hyde, RB from San Francisco for …
This week was a bit different for me watching television. Many of the shows I watched were over a few months old but I wanted to catch up or at least watch them before the Fall season began. Along with …
My top 5 shows for the week ending September 12, 2014 Read more »
Wow! This September, Champions Online turns 5 years old. I am glad to see that it made it to this point and am sad that I have not played it in probably 3 years. When the game first came out, …
New Champions Online content and a CoH Resurrection? Read more »
So the ArcheAge Headstart begins today. I am looking forward to this sandbox game, but haven't played any of the beta thus far. It looks like it will be a lot of fun but I didn't want to get too …
In the mid 80s, I started playing Dungeons & Dragons. Back then, the killer graphics and kick ass stories were all in my imagination and I would drag my brother and a couple of neighborhood friends through dungeon crawls and …
iPad and iPhone gaming has been a big part of my gaming lately. Games like World of Tanks Blitz, FTL, and Rules! have been a lot of fun, and they fit very nicely on these devices. I've tried them all …
Watching Monday Night Football last night, I was impressed with the Destiny trailer that was shown. I really thought initially that it was a Star Wars preview but was not disappointed when I saw it wasn't. It does bring up …
I guess looking at a bit of this GamerGate thing really perplexes me. Perhaps I am more skeptical than many out there, but I never thought the gaming press was objective. To me it always seems that gaming journalists are …
Over all, I think this was a pretty good week of television. Along with my top 5, I started watching a neat show called going Deep with David Rees. It is a show about how things work. I watched an …
My Top 5 Shows of the week ending September 5, 2014 Read more »
Since my Tivo recorded The League as the first show of the Fall season I am interested in watching, I figured it would be a good idea to take a look at when shows are starting back up. With that …