Experimenting with League of Legends
One of the things I seem to notice is that I play better at League of Legends when I blog about it. I think it has something to do with focus. As I focus on the game since I want …
One of the things I seem to notice is that I play better at League of Legends when I blog about it. I think it has something to do with focus. As I focus on the game since I want …
So our wonderful gaming community is putting on another event. This time for the month of October and we are calling it Bragtoberfest. According to Izlain over at Me Vs Mystelf And I, the idea is as follows: Bragtoberfest aims …
I almost missed my post for today, but I think I made it in time… Today, for the first time, I played in a League of Legends Ranked Team match. It was pretty interesting. The five of us just met …
I think the main reason I am having a difficult time with posting my top 5 this week is that I think I only have a top 3. This week, not only did I not watch much television, what I …
My top 3 Shows for the week ending September 19, 2014 Read more »
I was going to do my weekly top TV shows today, but got so caught up with my frustration with my fantasy football team that I spent too much time focused on it today rather than working on my post. …
Xanadu has been a fun new server for Wurm Online. Things have quieted down since I established my deed, but I have not spent much time prettying it up so far. I found an iron vein and have been mining …
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have played a bunch of League of Legends to the exclusion of other games that I own. I enjoy the competition – it is basically 5v5 PvP, and I like the diverse …
I stepped through the gate and found Vagari waiting for me in Mulgore to continue her journey. The first adventure outside Camp Narache started when landing in Bloodhoof Village. Here she meets Ahmo Thunderhorn who tells her about the Palemane …
There are times when it becomes difficult to post daily when life gets busy. Today is one of those times. I planned on putting together another chapter of Vagari's journey in WoW, but did not have the time to get …
Angels make the playoffs for the first time since 2009. This may be sounding like a sports blog, having 2 days in a row of football then baseball, but since this is my team, I wanted to 'celebrate' them. They …