Console Wars
I'm finally starting to consider where I stand in the current generation of console wars. Console Wars My buddy just texted me last week indicating he was interested in the PlayStation 4. This is a big departure for him since …
I'm finally starting to consider where I stand in the current generation of console wars. Console Wars My buddy just texted me last week indicating he was interested in the PlayStation 4. This is a big departure for him since …
I just started reading The Martian by Andy Weir and am pretty impressed. The Martian – the book “I'm pretty much fucked.” It's an interesting first line of a novel, but I think Andy Weir captures the feel for The …
Watched another wonderful episode of Big Crazy Family Adventure and started thinking about getting started in Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV I decided I wanted to give Final Fantasy a real try. I played for about a month when …
I think there have been quite a few very good shows airing on TV lately. Mr. Robot is currently one of the best and I think The Shannara Chronicles may be one to look forward to next year. Mr. Robot …
I think I'm going to have to put league of legends on the shelf for at least a week. After my post yesterday about dying too much as Xin, I decided to play more of a support role. So I …
Surviving as Xin is hard, learning WoW mechanics is easy and Spectre looks great. Staying alive as Xin Zhao I really need to work on how to survive as Xin Zhao. In most of the games I've been playing lately, …
SETI gets $100M I'm pretty impressed with the funding that the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence has received lately. I guess Steven Hawking and some rich guy from Russia are contributing $100 million to the cause over the next 10 …
New Horizons, Evil Dead, and more Shark attacks New Horizons probe uses Playstation 1 processor Don't throw away you old game consoles, NASA may need them to get people to Mars. Current Geek episode 60 turned me on to this …
Since I've haven't been feeling well I've ended up watching a bunch of television lately. Along with a bunch of the silly 'shark' movies on SyFy for their Sharknado week, I've watched some pretty good shows. Mr. Robot Once again, …
Morning ramble featuring my hunter's first fight and the X-Files trailer. First fight in Warcraft After the mail deliveries and pig farming I finally received a mission to do some fighting. I guess Jaina Proudmoore is violating our peace treaty …