Mr Robot Finale
Mr Robot Finale Wow! This show has been so entertaining and enjoyable I am surprised it is not on a pay channel. The story has been great, the cinematography has been impressive, and I think the acting has been pretty …
Mr Robot Finale Wow! This show has been so entertaining and enjoyable I am surprised it is not on a pay channel. The story has been great, the cinematography has been impressive, and I think the acting has been pretty …
Fear the Walking Dud If this show didn't have such a successful older brother, it'd be about this time that I'd be saying I'll give it one more episode. Right now, I am still waiting for the enjoyment I get …
Last 2 picks With my last 2 auto draft picks, I ended up with Charles Sims and Kyle Rudolph. I don't know much about these guys except Sims is a running back and Kyle is a tight end. I suppose …
Draft Day is something I love and hate at the same time. It's the busiest day of any season, football, baseball, or other sport, but it can become a chore. For this draft, I was petty much unprepared and I …
Tomorrow is my fantasy football draft and I guess I have to call myself a veteran this season. Last year I didn't do too well and I don't expect to do much better this year. Football is not really my …
The End of Blaugust 2015 I'm not sure if anyone ran the numbers, but it looks like we had 76 blogs that participated this year which surpassed the 51 that we had last year. I may have missed a few …
Well, this weekend has proven to be my nemesis in getting anything done. I had all kinds of grand plans – Play some FFXIV, create a character in Champions Online, continue my work towards building a bridge in Wurm Online …
Blaugust Day 30 – A bunch of unaccomplished plans Read more »
Found out the answer to my PS4 question from yesterday, though I still am shopping for a laptop; I also ramble about daily rambling. Playstation 4 Screen and Video Catpure So…I guess the PS4 comes with a screen capture utility …
Just a few random thoughts this morning as Blaugust winds down – only a few days left. Star Wars Goodness Star Wars The Force Awakens has a new video clip out and while it is short, there is always some …
I think I'm gonna have to give League of Legends a mulligan since I'm not going to be playing much with all the lag they've introduced with the server move – I decided to play Hearthstone instead. Ping Worries Realized …