Fall TV Start Dates
I just realized that Fall TV is upon us and I had no idea when things were starting up. I had heard a bit about The Walking Dead while watching Fear the Walking Dead, but that isn’t coming out until …
I just realized that Fall TV is upon us and I had no idea when things were starting up. I had heard a bit about The Walking Dead while watching Fear the Walking Dead, but that isn’t coming out until …
This is a pretty good issue that covers some pretty important events in the Marvel Universe. In it, The Avengers basically beat Vision into the gang and we learn a bunch more about who Vision is and where he came …
While I haven't had much time for gaming lately, I have listened to a few podcasts. One that I listen to each week is Boop! In it, Scott Johnson talks about the latest gaming news and what he's been playing …
Another crazy day…a weekend that I have little time to game or blog, but I did find a nice image from my archives that I've wanted to post for months. Morning Ramble #58 | Views from Beyond the Gate #25 …
Views from Beyond the Gate – Bloodthirsty Axebeak Read more »
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire #1 came out on Wednesday so I had to get it and I was not disappointed. From Comixology: Emperor Palpatine's twenty-year reign of terror came to an abrupt and fiery …
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire #1 Read more »
Niantic, the company behind the alternate reality game Ingress, is working with Nintendo to create Pokémon Go, a real world adventure that looks pretty cool from this trailer. Having played Ingress, I can see how this could be pretty fun …
I was about to call it a day. One that would see me miss my first daily post since June because my cable modem, that Time Warner Cable provided, is either dying or suffering heat stroke. But I decided to …
No time today, but I did get a new World of Warcraft mount for winning in Hearthstone. Now I just need to log back in to WoW at some point.
Wurm Online My poor crops. I haven't tended to them in 2 weeks with how busy I've been IRL. They were all wilted and I even had grass growing on one of my farming plots where cotton was supposed to …
Massive Headache Ouch! I have had the most massive headache all day today. Aspirin and Tylenol have done nothing for it so I have spent most of the day doing nothing. It's been a few years since I've had such …