Another Couple of Placement Matches
Well, after my surprising 7-0 opening win in ranked I felt pretty good about heading into season 6. Lux was fun to play and I felt I was getting better at her in both mid and support roles. My second …
Well, after my surprising 7-0 opening win in ranked I felt pretty good about heading into season 6. Lux was fun to play and I felt I was getting better at her in both mid and support roles. My second …
8am log into the lobby knowing it will be a long hour wait Watch the blue circle spin Listen to my audiobook – Ancillary Justice some more – really enjoying this one. Play an game of League of Legends – …
Tomorrow is a big day…for those who don't have tickets yet, the San Diego Comic-Con 2016 registration is tomorrow morning. I'm fortunate enough to have already purchased tickets for Thursday thru Sunday, but I may try to get a ticket …
I just started reading Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie and I am pretty interested. Actually, I am half reading, half listening since I am reading on the Kindle App on my iPad. I really enjoy the Kindle App since it …
Each season of League of Legends begins with a series of 10 placement games – these games determine what tier you begin the season in. Season 4 was my first playing ranked, and I ended up starting in Bronze and …
WGN has canceled Manhattan after it's second season. I can't say I'm not surprised. This show had much potential and received quite a bit of critical acclaim, but never really seemed to draw much of an audience. I watched the …
My year of Marvel Unlimited is coming to a close and I'd have to say it's been worth the $69 I spent for the year. I'm not sure how many comics I've read, but I've got over 100 in my …
A new interesting addition to the ranked progression in League of Legends is that they have started, at least in bronze, to credit you with a victory when you fall from a higher lever to a lower level. Basically, if …
I've been playing a lot of Zyra lately and I'm starting to get a little worried about the potential for a rework of her abilities. This morning I received a query, from Riot, about my thoughts on her passive. For …
Sometimes I really don't like having a beard. Sometimes it's too hot, sometimes it just gets to scraggly and looks like crap and it always makes a mess when I shave. Today I ended up almost shaving it off but …