Preacher’s Rapid Fire Starting Zone
Preacher S1 E1 – Pilot If you didn’t get a chance to watch Preacher on Sunday, I highly recommend it. I’d call it the best pilot I’ve seen this year and maybe for a few years. They seem to have …
Preacher S1 E1 – Pilot If you didn’t get a chance to watch Preacher on Sunday, I highly recommend it. I’d call it the best pilot I’ve seen this year and maybe for a few years. They seem to have …
I didn’t have much time for gaming or for TV this past week, but I did a little of both. On top of that, I’m pretty far behind in a number of shows so I’m a bit all over the …
Tomorrow will mark 100 days to the release of Legion. I guess I’m kinda excited, but I’m not too sure why. I suppose it’s hopeful thinking, but in reality, I never really got into Draenor as evidenced by my highest …
This week I managed to hit current posts on the first 6 blogs I traveled to…a true Six Degrees…well, actually, I have some of these blogs closer to me than 6 degrees, but I traveled 6 links to get from …
I didn’t get much gaming in today but managed to jump into Wildstar for a few minutes and I noticed something about the zone was in. There were just so many quests. I didn’t get any pictures today, but it …
The Angels Wow…of course the day I comment on how well my Angels were doing they run into Clayton Kershaw and get whomped by the Dodgers. Oh well, they can start another winning streak today hopefully. But then of course, …
A variety of things caught my interest today…a little League, a little MLB, and a little Wildstar… Some should be obvious, some looks pretty rough for the NPCs, and for now the other is doing surprisingly well. Malzahar is OP! …
I went to see Captain America this evening so I didn’t have much time to throw this together. But I wanted to mention a couple of quick things. Newbie Blogger Initiative 2016 According to Doone over at XP Chronicles the NBI …
Ok…I did it…I watched Fantastic Four…the one from 2015…can I have my time back? I guess it was good to watch in the sense I should watch examples of what is bad so I can better understand what is …
Ascension This week in League of Legends Ascension was the random game mode. We just ran through this mode about a month ago but this time we’ve got the latest mid season Mage update. I’m still not so sure about …