Will Spider-Man sit on the Iron Throne?
A Look at the Game of Thrones Start and ASM 31
With the Angel game postponed today I figured it’d be as good a time as any to jump back into my Daily Ramble postings. I tried to start publishing them earlier this year but life just got in the way. I got really busy at work and I seemed to cut back on the games I was enjoying.
Well, I’m over that now, I hope…I’ve got a new assistant at work, I’m jumping around from game to game enjoying myself again, AND I’m working on getting back into shape – or at least I’m working to drop some pounds and build up my fitness level.
So there’s no better time to kick off a new string of rambles than today and I’ll get rolling with my excitement for the new season of Game of Thrones and the joy at beginning a classic story arc from Amazing Spider-Man.

Game of Thrones Season 8
It’s finally here…the last and ultimate season of Game of Thrones starts today and there’s a lot of excitement. Who’s gonna sit on the throne at the end of the season? Is anyone gonna live? Who’s gonna die first? So many questions waiting to be answered and it all starts tonight.
I will certainly be sitting on the edge of my seat this evening, popcorn in hand and my phone on DND as we get into one of the most anticipated seasons of television in a long time.
I can’t wait!
I will say though that I am expecting a lot of death and some huge fights. I’m also thinking Danny will most likely end up on the throne though I wouldn’t mind seeing Samwell Tarly there. But then again, he’ll probably end up as the Maester of Winterfell for Arya.
Hope you all enjoy watching this season as I will!
Amazing Spider-Man #31
If This Be My Destiny…! by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and Sam Rosen. Published by Marvel Comics, 1965. This is the start of a momentous and memorable Spider-Man arc that features the introduction of Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborne, and sees Peter start classes at Empire State University. It is definitely a Must Read.
This is my first foray into these issues of Spider-Man and so far things have been a lot of fun. Stan and Steve have been putting out some really good stories and introducing so many of the characters I know become instrumental through the years, it’s really exciting.
It’s a Wrap
So what do you think? If Marvel put together their version of the Iron Throne who do you think would end up sitting on it? Captain America? Hulk? Spider-Man? Wolverine?
Or would it be a super smart guy like Reed Richards or a powerful woman like Captain Marvel? I’m not sure but I could definitely see something like this…
I think it would be fun to see the battles whoever ended up sitting on the throne.
Daily Ramble #1 | Will Spider-Man sit on the Iron Throne?