Dalores: My Stout-Axe Dwarven Rune-Keeper

Ok…fun fact…Dwarves actually do come in female packages.

Meet my Female Stout-Axe Dwarven Rune-Keeper in LOTRO. Dalores is gonna be my go-to for the sturdy Dwarven race in my adventures through Middle Earth.

I had to go with a Stout-Axe Drawf since the normal Dwarves don’t allow female characters which is a shame because I typically prefer to run with women.

Of course never having seen a female Dwarf before it makes sense that she has a beard and mustache and pretty much looks like the male Stout-Axe Dwarves, but who am I to comment.

Anyway, I finally got my female Dwarf that I’m going to run to Moria and Mordor with. It should be fun.

Views from Beyond the Gate #46 | Dalores: My Stout-Axe Dwarven Rune-Keeper