Deciding on a Class for SWTOR: Bounty Hunter?
I’m still trying to figure out which class to go with for SWTOR and so I looked up my Bounty Hunter. I could be The Mandalorian!
BabyBear made it to level 14 when I was playing her but as with BananaSlug, she’s become inactive and needs a server and name change.
My understanding is that in the current meta, Bounty Hunter is pretty powerful as DPS. The Powertech build is what I am looking at since that would make me The Mandalorian! but it seems like it could be complicated with all those gadgets and flying backpacks and such.
We’ll see though since while it seems complicated it seems like it could be a lot of fun…and it’s topping the current meta so…maybe.

Views from Beyond the Gate #120 | Deciding on a Class for SWTOR: Bounty Hunter?
BH was pretty straightforward dps when I did my “return” to SWTOR a while back. When leveling I only needed about 3-4 buttons from my whole kit. Assuming you want to get to level cap and do endgame stuff, there are rotation guides out there that you can use then.
That sounds promising and easy. AND…I get to be The Mandalorian!