Blaugust/Promptapalooza Day 7
Blaugust has been a blogging event that has been around for a few years now, and I’ve been happy to participate. Every year, and sometimes twice in a year, gaming bloggers, pop-culture bloggers, media bloggers, and pretty much any type of blogger has a chance to come together and share their experiences about blogging. It’s a lot of fun, and I love the community that it has spawned.

All kinds of content are represented in the blogosphere, and today, Stingite over at The Friendly Necromancer takes a look at skills you’d like to improve.
Before I look into my thoughts about the question, a little preamble…
Promptapalooza Day 7
Normally about this time of year, I would be working on Blaugust and trying to figure out how I am gonna keep up with all the blogs that are posting every day. This year, I think I’m in a similar situation except we’re all following a series of prompts that Belghast over at Tales of the Aggronaut has put together or that people have come up with on their own.
I kinda like it. Not only do we get a bunch of different perspectives on some cool themes, but we also get a chance to explore different blogs.
Maybe this will even get me back into my Six Degrees posts when the dust settles. I used to really enjoy traveling through six degrees of blogging, and if things work out well, I think I’ll jump back on that in September…But for now, we have Blaugust: Promptapalooza.
For this Seventh day of Blaugust, we have a prompt about skills…
Stingite, The Friendly Necromancer posits:
What skill do you want to improve on the most?
This one stumped me for a bit because I have tons of skills I’d like to improve. I’d like to improve my running, I’d like to improve my software engineering skills, I’d like to improve my database skills, I’d like to even begin to have gardening skills.
But I think the one that would probably be most impactful in blogging, gaming, my job, and pretty much everything in my life would be if I could increase my perseverance.
Perseverance, according to the Merriam-Webster website is a noun that means Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.
I think that sounds like a pretty big skill to have and one that should be honed on a regular basis.
I’ll put my job and gardening, and other stuff aside to focus on what this blog is usually about…gaming…and a bit of running.
I could totally see how perseverance would be beneficial in my gaming life. All those games that I keep talking about wanting to finish – I’d persevere and complete them. All those backlogged games I have sitting in my Steam library or on my PS4 – I’d persevere to play through them.
And in my blogging life…all those great plans for series of posts deep-diving into books I enjoy or the comics I’m reading…even getting through some of the big comic universe events I want to read and turn into posts – I’d actually persevere and finish my blog series, I’d persevere to read through the event comics and actually put my thoughts into blog posts.
The more I think about this, the more I realize I really need to work on my perseverance.
…continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition…
Yeah, I gotta work on that.
It’s a Wrap
Wow! Today’s prompt really got me thinking, and it may help to get myself in gear to work on my perseverance.
It’s obviously something that can pretty much touch all areas of my life and affect them in a positive manner.
So I think I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna persevere more and exercise that skill on a regular basis.
Blaugust | Blaugust/Promptapalooza Day 7