Blaugust 2022 Day 31 – Cheers to Blaugust 2022!

Wow! Blaugust came, and I was full of motivation, energy, determination, and optimism. I raced through posts and felt like I was able to get back into things after failing to prepare things in advance.

Then I started to recognize some of the differences between my blogging process now and how I kicked things off years ago, and I started to falter. I realized that rather than letting my creativity flow like I used to, I try to place it in a box now. I try to layout patterns and templates for posts that I used just to let the ideas spew forth, and when things don’t fit into that little box I imposed on myself, I create tension, and that leads to procrastination and writer’s block and eventually no posts.

Every year, with a new Blaugust, I enter into the event thinking that I might be able to be more of a focused and prepared participant. That I might be able to be more of a contributor to help new bloggers get started and push through the tension that holds me back.

But like my gaming has been recently (and, let’s be honest, always has been), I end up getting started with a full head of steam, make an initial push, and get fully involved in the process only to have it push back and slow my progress down, and eventually, I falter. All motivation and excitement get spent, and I reach a point of trying to figure out where to go next. Where do I find more inspiration and more excitement for the game or for blogging? Every year, I want to keep going; I want to show new bloggers an example of pushing through, continuing successfully through Blaugust, and posting 31 entries during the month.

But I am only human. I falter, and I fail sometimes. I’m not perfect, even though I want to be. I can not accomplish everything I want simply because I want it to be so.

But being human means I can keep trying. I can work to overcome my failings. I can push to get back on the horse. I can keep starting up new games, keep trying to reach endgame, driving to see all there is to see. I can keep working on letting my creativity flow again, keep striving to post regularly, daily even, and keep making baby steps in all the above. Baby steps eventually lead to walking, which leads to running, which leads to getting somewhere.

So I guess while I did not manage to get my 31 posts published during Blaugust, I still had an experience. I realized that I still enjoy rambling about games, books, comics, and sports. I still have some creativity that wants to be expressed. I still want to blog for me.

And that’s the real thing that will break through any writer’s block or procrastination I have…I want to blog for me. I really am not looking for clicks, or readers, or trying to do anything profound. I am simply working out my creativity muscles as I would my leg muscles as I run daily. Beyond Tannhauser Gate lets me have a place where I can be as creative or banal as I choose, but I can do it for myself. If others want to take a peek, that’s great, if not, that’s great too.

And Blaugust reminds me of all this every year. I am grateful for that and I am grateful for all the people who participate, and I am grateful for Bel for organizing it.

Cheers to Blaugust 2022!!!

Let’s start preparing for Blaugust 2023…

Ramble 204 | Falcon 12 | 2022.150 | Blaugust 2022 Day 31

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