Blaugust 2022 Day 11
Well, I almost did it…I almost threw in the towel and gave up on the streak I was on. 10 days of posts seemed to be all I could piece together, and I know some of those days were not much more than filler posts.

But then I figured out another filler post when I looked at my site in the WordPress app – today is my 10th anniversary – or rather, today is the 10th anniversary of Beyond Tannhauser Gate…wait a minute, I have posts that go all the way back to May of 2012.
Ok, so I guess WordPress has things messed up, and this is actually the 10th anniversary of my blog being registered on I actually started in May of 2012 during the Newbie Blogger Initiative, but I started as a self-hosted site that I was working with, and was not actually registered on until August 2012.
So strange that WordPress would use that date for an anniversary when I actually started in May. Oh well, I guess the confusion gave me some more fodder for another post, and I managed to hold on for one more day of consecutive posting for Blaugust 2022.
I have hope that things will get easier soon…
Ramble 197 | Falcon 5 | 2022.143 | Blaugust 2022 Day 11