Return from Hell Week

This has been a hell of a week that I am glad to be moving past. Car troubles, plumbing issues, and feeling sick (at least it wasn’t COVID) all contributed to my slowdown. But I am hopefully back. I’ve got my car in good working order. I’m no longer feeling drained, tired, and sluggish. The only blemish on my advancement in a positive direction is the plumbing issues but like the Cylons, I have a plan. We’ll see how it goes as I try to catch up on stuff I wanted to cover over the past week and stuff that shows up in my Inbox as the week proceeds.

The main item (the only item today because I still don’t have tons of time) is the March Mammal Madness tournament that is starting up on Monday. Here’s the full 64 (65) animal bracket:

Tomorrow starts the Wild-Card match between the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat and the Florida Bonneted Bat.

I don’t have a dog in that fight – LOL – but since I live in San Diego…less than 30 miles from Mexico, I’m gonna pull for the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat. but I wish both competitors well.

Ramble 112 | Dingo 36 | 2022.46 | Return from Hell Week