Gear Up and Horsing Around
As I try to jump back into rambling, I decide to assess my gear. In LOTRO, the gear grind is an ongoing process. So many things are picked up by Pangolyn as she adventures, and while some are needed, a lot just need to be sold to vendors. Today I picked through things and dealt with gearing up and selling off a bunch of stuff. As for reading, today we got another point of view as Perrin took over, and in my running life, I upgraded my fitness ring.
The Rundown
- Gear
- Horse
- More Gear
The Goods
Gearing Up and Cleaning Out
Today in LOTRO, I focused on getting my house in order. In the last installment, I leveled up my crafting skills to the Journeyman, and today I focused on making sure my equipment was all up to speed. I crafted everything I could and made sure I had the best either from what I’d found so far or what I could make. Mostly it was what I could make, but there were still a few items I had to pick from what I’d gained from quests.
Beyond gearing up, I also cleaned out my inventory. LOTRO has lots of stuff that Pangolyn picked up along her journeys, and her bags were filled to bursting. Items for tasks took up quite a bit of space, and I decided to dump out those not at least level 13. I figure there is not much chance that I’ll be headed back to those tasks soon, so I’d rather push forward with my reputation in areas where I’ll be questing in the future.
Did Bela Survive Shadar Logoth
In chapter 22, we go from the Nynaeve’s point of view to that of Perrin. He was able to escape Shadar Logoth by pretty much running until he hit the river. He had been with Egwene as they left the evil city, but he lost her as they were pushed in the river currents.
Fortunately, he finds her…and Bela.
This chapter is kinda quiet as the two do a bunch of chatting and end up deciding to head straight to Caemlyn rather than going to Whitebridge as the original plan was. We’ll see how that works out in the coming chapters.
For the fact that Bela survived, I rate this a Read.

Ringing Endorsement
Before returning to my Running California, I got another cool gadget. I had previously been using the second-generation Ōura ring and loved it. I started with the first-gen, and it was so large, I referred to it as the ‘Black Lantern’ ring. The second-generation ring was much smaller – basically like a typical men’s ring, and was offered in gold, silver, glossy black, and matte black. I had a glossy black version, and it was a cool upgrade that added some extra services.
Now, I ordered the 3rd generation ring. It’s the same size from what I can tell as the 2nd generation, but it adds more sensors and features. The app that I use on my iPhone is now able to track heart rate during the day, which is really cool. It also has a set of meditations that I can do while the ring tracks my vitals. The temperature and movement sensors are supposed to be more sensitive, and for women, it’s got a feature to track female cycles.
I’m loving it! I use it as my primary step counter, and sleep monitor, and I would highly recommend it.
It’s a Wrap
Gear and horses are my focus today, with a bunch of selling in LOTRO and a purchase IRL. I’m thinking I’m gonna end up keeping my Oura ring a lot longer than Pangolyn keeps her new armor, but we’ll see. One thing I didn’t upgrade in LOTRO, that I should probably look into someday is my horse. For The Eye of the World, I was so happy to see that Bela survived Shadar Logoth like Perrin and Egwene, that it really made me smile today and brought me some sunshine.
Overall, today was a good day, and I hope you all had an interesting and enjoyable day as well.
Ramble 76 Cheetah 21| Gear Up and Horsing Around