Potter’s Foundation and a Duke’s Creed

I kinda liked what I threw together yesterday, and I feel it made the fact that I have so many things I’d like to ramble about regularly much more manageable. By looking at the most interesting stuff that went on, I can cover not just games and comics, but books, running, and tv shows in a more enjoyable manner. We’ll see how long this lasts…


The Rundown

  • Running to Seaport Village
  • The Victorious Baron
  • Norma Creed and her Shotgun
  • Racing with Cars and Horses
  • The Wizarding World
  • Seldon vs. the Emperor
  • Beginning Champs


The Goods

Running California

Today I clocked 3.38 miles and easily made the distance between The Shell from yesterday and Seaport Village today. With some of the best food on San Diego Bay and great shopping, Seaport Village has always been a favorite place to visit.

The End of The Duke

Duke Leto has been captured and in chapter 22, things come to a tipping point as the Baron shows up to gloat. Sardaukar and Harkonnen soldiers fight and take control of the Duke’s stronghold, but little does the Baron know that Yueh and Leto hope to get the final laugh with a secret poison tooth.

Zombies Everywhere

Today we met Norma Creed in Secret World Legends. She’s a feisty one, and someone I’m glad to see is on my side. Her shotgun will come in handy fighting off these zombies and she’s got a few missions for me to attend to…some of which ask me to burn zombie parts in her bonfire. I figure that’ll bring some good luck in this game.

Rule of the Race

The second issue of Trese was another fun installment. The supernatural nature of the series is very apparent in this story and it is definitely a comic that tends toward the adult side of the age spectrum. Again it was enjoyable but how can you go wrong with car racing and horses?

Sorcerer or Philosopher

I always wonder about the first Harry Potter movie – is it Sorcerer’s Stone or Philosopher’s Stone? I suppose it really doesn’t matter but it was a fun journey through memory lane going back to watch the first movie…I think it’s been almost a decade since I watched the movie all the way to the credits. And I forgot how good this flick actually is.

Harry Seldon

Psychohistory and Jared Harris (Harry Seldon) meet head to head with the Empire and Brother Day (Lee Pace) in this premiere episode. I am so excited to see how Apple TV brings this book/series to the screen. I loved reading these stories multiple times and so far I am enjoying the series. Let’s hope this continues to perform and while I can clearly see some of today’s politics interposing itself into the episodes, it isn’t overbearing yet. So far…so good!

Beginning Champs

Today I was listening to a podcast about League of Legends and while I am frustrated about all the AFKs and trolls I keep encountering in the game I decided to hear what they had to sugggest for beginning champs. The list goes like…Sona, Morgana, and Alistar for support; Sivir, Ashe, Caitlyn For ADC; Gallio, Ziggs, Brand, and Ahri For midlane; WW, Voli, and Vi for jungle; and finally Garen, Darius, Malphite, and Nasus For top lane. I think this is a pretty good list at least as far as I can tell from support which is my main role. My favorite of those 3 is Morgana but I know Ali and Sona are both really good and pretty straight forward to learn.


It’s a Wrap

Today was a good day that started out with a nice run ‘to Seaport Village’ and carried on to the far reaches of Terminus in Foundation. Norma Creed and her shotgun, Harry Potter and his wand, and cars and horses from Trese all contributed to make the day a good one…hope you all had an interesting and enjoyable day as well.

Ramble 26 Badger 39| Potter’s Foundation and a Duke’s Creed