Conventions and Lies
With the tickets for Comic-Con Special Edition going on sale yesterday, it is appropriate that I continue my running to the San Diego Convention Center. This is where it will all take place the weekend of Thanksgiving, and I am hopeful that even with Covid, even with the governor, we will be able to assemble for our annual convention. Even with those hopes, I am sad to say that the story I’ve been reading is reaching its nadir. The Duke is lying to Jessica and is showing signs of a sagging spirit. I don’t think he expects to survive this fight.
Running to the Convention Center
The San Diego Convention Center is practically right across the street from Petco Park, so there is no running necessary to get there. Taking streets as you would have to in a car will take about 0.3 miles, which I quickly logged today. I put in 2.25 miles, and that was on the low side of my usual runs.
These last few days have been a bit slower in the morning, and I’ve been taking it easy with my running. I’m sure that as the week gets going, I’ll pick up my distance again. But even with my actual running distance, I’m sticking around downtown for a bit as I want to highlight a few more of the great sites in the area.
Of course, today’s visit to the San Diego Convention Center coincides with the Comic-Con badge I picked up yesterday. I’ll be visiting the area for real in November for the convention, and it’ll be the first time downtown for me in almost two years – that’s pretty crazy. Covid has impacted a lot.
Anyway, I look forward to putting together a more extended ramble specifically about my Running Around the Gate visit to the Convention Center. Still, for now, I’m just gonna leave things short and sweet.
This is probably my least favorite chapter so far because if centers around deceit. Leto is planning on lying to Jessica and acting like he suspects that she is the traitor. It may be a good deal for tricking the Harkonnen spies, but I still don’t like what he is doing to her. This pretending also places Paul in a bad situation because he has to go along somewhat knowing full well that he is the one that will have to tell his mother if anything happens to Leto. I don’t like it.
With that said, the chapter is well written and sets up some interesting aspects for the story that I’m sure will result in growth for Paul and a better understanding of the Fremen.
I’m gonna rate this a Read because there is some good info here, but I don’t like my main characters lying unless that is their personality.

Ramble 19 Badger 26| Conventions and Lies