A Sunrise Run
Another day with too many things going on to spend any time relaxing with a game. Instead I keep up my standard reading and running.
Running to Petco Park
It’s been a few months since I last ‘Ran around the Gate’ but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t kept up my daily running. Actually with all the stuff going on in my life these days, running is one of the few constants that I’ve been able to maintain.
The last time I posted in my Running Around the Gate category, I had made my trip through California from the southern border all the way to the Coronado Bridge…not too far but like I said, I’ve been running every day since early in the pandemic so I’ve been getting in tons of miles.
Today I wanted to pick up where I left off on the bridge and while I don’t have the time to dive in too far, I’m at least gonna pick the place I’m running to…Petco Park.
Some day soon I’ll put together a more in depth discussion about Petco Park and the San Diego Padres that call the field home, but suffice to say that while I run every day, I don’t have the time to get too detailed about my running in my rambling everyday.
Sunrise Over Arrakeen
Chapter 13 sees Duke Leto continuing to come to grips with the attempt on his son’s life. Along with the hunter-seeker that was sent for Paul, Thufir Hawat brings more news of a traitor in the Duke’s household and this warning indicates a ‘beloved’ person so Hawat suspects Jessica.
No way! says the Duke but agrees have her watched. He also sets Hawat a task to attack Gedi Prime and the Harkonnen spice stockpiles.
While the battles of this war start to get more serious the Duke takes a moment to watch the sunrise over Arrakeen and wonder if he could ever think of Arrakis as home or if Paul will be the leader the Atreides needs to forge a future on the desert planet.

Ramble 17 Badger 24| A Sunrise Run