Pirates and Traitors
Getting started in Final Fantasy is a pretty slow process. First the character creation is quite involved and of course, I ended up with a tail since I could. I also started Melodi Miao on the Brynhildr server since my target world – Goblin – was full when I created her.
Apparently with a bunch of WoW refugees, many of the servers are no longer allowing new characters to be created on them. As things go, my other optional server – Catuar was also full but I may create a character there sometime as well.
In any case, Brynhildr is good enough to start on and I can transfer down the road as things open up.
I also continued my reading of Dune today with my introduction to Dr. Yueh. He’s pretty important to the story and we’re almost to the point where we leave Caladan for Arrakis.
A Trip to Limsa Lominsa
After my first game session in Final Fantasy pretty much ended with me creating my character I spend the next block of time I had watching cutscenes. Apparently FFXIV has a bunch of them.
I met a dark evil looking man who I shot with some kind of light weapon and I wore a horned helmet that was pretty cool, but those turned out to be part of a dream. Instead, I actually was traveling on a ship across the ocean to Limsa Lominsa.
I met a peddler named Brennan and he seemed to be pretty friendly and who gave me some good pointers on what to do once we reached port.
We also suffered a pirate attack but since Limsa Lominsa is the foremost naval power in Eorzea the ship was able to maneuver out of cannon range. It was all pretty exciting.
On the whole the cutscene was decent and I learned a bit about the city I was gonna start in but it did take up a bunch of time. So much that I was only able to accept my first quest and not get started on it.
I’m sure next session I’ll be able to get into the game proper and start my leveling journey.
The Traitorous Doctor
And speaking of journeys, Paul is just about to set off on his trip from Caladan to Arrakis but first we have to meet Dr. Yueh. As we learned in a chapter 2, the Harkonnen have a lever to break Dr. Yueh to their side and even so, the doctor is friendly with Paul.
He talks to Paul about the worms of the sand planet and give him an Orange Catholic Bible…perhaps out of guilt?
In any case we learn a bit about the traitorous doctor before he commits his deed and I’d say this short chapter deserves a Read.

Ramble 6 Badger 8| Pirates and Traitors