Enemies Making Plans
While I’ve only been able to grab a few minutes here and there to game, I’ve been having some fun slowly advancing my Beorning in LOTRO. Pangolyn made it to level 4 yesterday and today I was pretty confident while jumping to level 5. Actually, levels 4 and 5 are not that significant since there is not a whole lot of added abilities for these levels but it definitely feels like I’m getting the hang of things with the more enemies I defeat.
Speaking of enemies, today’s trip in Dune takes us to Chapter 2 and the introduction of the bad guys of the story. The Harkonnen are not very nice people and they really do not like our protagonist. They’ve got all kinds of plans to destroy House Atreides and it’ll be interesting to see how the strategies of these animals impact the galaxy.
The Bad Guys
Chapter 2 of Dune carries through on the questions of the first chapter. It provides the animal balance, in the Harkonnen, to the human representatives of the Atreides and this is made pretty clear by the descriptions of the Baron and his entourage.
Also made clear is the idea that the Harkonnen, and apparently the Emperor, don’t like Duke Leto and the Atreides very much. The two have conspired to put an end to the great house, but as Paul and supposedly the rest of his family are human, they may be able to survive the trap. Either way, this chapter lays out the “plans within plans within plans” of the Harkonnen and it doesn’t look good for Paul.

Fighting Above My Level
Today I found another quest with a reasonable target level for Pangolyn to tackle. Since she started this morning at level 4 I was wary of attempting anything above level 5 so I started hunting Spiders. Having spent time in Archet during previous character levelings, I was accustomed to dealing with lots of spiders particularly considering one of the quest givers in the town is named Atli Spider-bane. Along the way to completing my target quest I was also able to get through a couple of other missions, including the one dealing with the diseased boars that killed my last Beorning character.
And I think I am getting the hang of this character . It’s a good thing to fight in Bear form. It gives some good defensive stats and the DPS is decent too. In all, I was able to run through 3 quests and make significant progress on my Spider-Slayer deed during the short session I was able to play.
If I keep feeling this good about Pangolyn I might move back to the Deadly 3 Difficulty level and see how tough things are to fight. Last time I did that I died in my first battle…I’m not gonna let that happen again.
Ramble 3 Badger 4| Enemies Making Plans