2021 MMM Round 4: The Elite Trait Results
And then there were four!
Ok, actually this is round 4, the Elite Trait, but the result of this exciting round is the Final Roar!

Eight mammals, creatures, myths, animals, or whatever jump into battle and only four are victorious and march on.
I’ve only got 2 picks left out of the 8 and I don’t feel too good. Sure, My picks are the number one seeds in the Red, In Fur and the Of Myths and Monsters brackets but they faced fierce competition.
The Red Kangaroo faced off against the Red Hartebeast while the Harpy Eagle took on the Sphinx Monkey. Even though both my pick won, I’m not feeling too good about my overall bracket – I mean I still have 2 of the 4 competitors left but this has certainly not been my best tournament.

Views from Beyond the Gate #160 | 2021 MMM Round 4: The Elite Trait Results