2021 MMM Round 2: Sea Beasties and Of Myths and Monsters Results
Round 2 of the 2021 March Mammal Madness continued yesterday with 8 matches in the Sea Beasties and the Of Myths and Monsters divisions. The water and myths are everywhere as these two divisions feature some serious competitors.
Advancing on to the Sweet Sixteen are: the Saber-Toothed Anchovy, the Devil Frog, the Blue-Capped Ifrit, the Midgardia Seastar, the Ammonite, the Vampire Squid, the Harpy Eagle and the Sphinx Monkey.
And…there goes the rest of my bracket. With 3 wins and 5 losses, I am pretty much done with any serious competition in the 2021 March Mammal Madness Tournament contest. Sure, my pick for the eventual winner is still fighting it out but I’ve only got 9 out of the final 16 that I picked. Even with all the craziness that’s gone on in the NCAA tournament, I picked better than 9 out of 16.
In any case, I’m really surprised the Blue-Capped Ifrit is still standing (err, flying) in the tournament. And it’s clear that I picked all the wrong upset possibilities since I was almost certain the Yeti Crab would take out the Midgardia Seastar…but he didn’t even show up for the match.
The play-by-play for all these Round 2 matches can be found here while a video recap can be found here.

Views from Beyond the Gate #157 | 2021 MMM Round 2: Sea Beasties and Of Myths and Monsters Results