2021 MMM Round 1: Of Myths & Monsters
Day 4 of the 2021 March Mammal Madness is in the books and today we have the results of the Round 1 battles in the Of Myths & Monsters division.
Advancing on to the second round are: the Harpy Eagle, Picado’s Jumping Pitviper, the Devil Frog, the Cryptkeeper Wasp, the Ghost Bat, the Blue-Capped Ifrit, the Sphinx Monkey, and the Chimpanzee.
The biggest upset of the Tournament has got to be the the Blue-Capped Ifrit taking down my lovable Brussels Griffon but then I had another upset to deal with…the Masrasector Nananubis lost to the Crypt-Keeper Wasp. While the poor puppy was poisoned by the evil Ifrit, the Nananubis was distracted by a meal and chased it out of the arena leaving the Wasp victorious.
I picked 6 outta the 8 matches but I’m completely surprised by the results of the 2 matches I did lose. I thought those were locks.
The play-by-play for all the Of Myths & Monsters Round 1 matches can be found here while a video recap can be found here.

Views from Beyond the Gate #155| 2021 MMM Round 1: Of Myths & Monsters