March Mammal Madness Picks for Of Myths & Monsters Bracket
Here’s the final bracket of the tournament. Of Myths & Monsters kicks off March 17th and is the last of the first round brackets. These contests look pretty cool with Eagles and Monkeys, Devils and Ghosts. It should be a lot of fun to watch.
- 1)MY PICK -> Harpy Eagle
- 16) Goliath Beetle
- 8) MY PICK -> Ghost Bat
- 9) Thorny Devil
- 5) MY PICK -> Devil Frog
- 12) Fire Salamander
- 4) MY PICK -> Picado’s Jumping Pitviper
- 13) Flying Dragon Lizard
- 6) MY PICK -> Sphinx Monkey
- 11) Black & Red Bush Squirrel
- 3) MY PICK -> Chimpanzee
- 14) White-Winged Vampire Bat
- 7) Blue-capped Ifrit
- 10) MY PICK -> Brussels Griffon
- 2) MY PICK -> Masrasector nananubis
- 15) Crypt-keeper Wasp

Views from Beyond the Gate #147| March Mammal Madness Picks for Of Myths & Monsters Bracket
march mammal madness 2021 bracket