PayPal Delay?
This is certainly the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this and I’ve used PayPal for most of my game subscription purchases.
I find it hard to believe that in 2021 there’s some kind of delay when using an electronic form of payment. It’s not like there’s a check to deposit – physical paper does not need to be exchanged, this goes directly from my bank to theirs so I’m pretty confused why there would be any kind of hour long delay before my subscription becomes active.
Anyway, I went ahead with the purchase and just accepted that I would have to wait to start playing.
From everything I’ve heard, the subscription is very beneficial and once you are flagged as having subscribed at some point you get extra perks above what a typical F2P player gets even after your subscription expires.
Give me an hour and I’ll be playing SWTOR…

Views from Beyond the Gate #125 | PayPal Delay?