The Magistrate

Coincidences are strange and today’s is right there with weirdness…This morning I went for my typical morning run and decided to listen to Elminster: Making of a Mage. This is one of the early Forgotten Realms novels and I’ve decided I’d like to read through that series eventually. I’m up to book 4 after reading the Netheril Trilogy but that’s for another day.

Instead, I was listening along and the thieves that were working with Elminster were dealing with a guy called the Magistrate and I really didn’t think much of it other than it sounded like someone in charge.

Flash forward to my evening comic read in which I happened to pick out the first issue of Future State: Dark Detective and low and behold…Batman is dealing with The Magistrate who is running Gotham.

Pretty strange if you ask me. Particularly considering I can’t recall the last time I heard the word Magistrate and the fact that the two books are decades apart in writing (Elminster in 1994 and Dark Detective 2021).

Views from Beyond the Gate #100 | The Magistrate