Steps Forward
Today I am gonna start taking my first steps forward into regular posting again. I’ve been playing some Cyberpunk 2077, re-reading The Rook, and enjoying the 3rd issue of the Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir story and I feel like I have a bit to say about my experiences.

Without further ado (I wonder what the origin of that phrase is) here we go…
Cyberpunk 2077 First Mission
I have been ready to play Cyberpunk 2077 since I bought the game but haven’t had the time to invest. I know that there are usually many ‘pre-game’ setup steps that have to be accomplished to prove that you are even worthy of starting the game so I held off firing the game up until I knew I had enough time to get through those steps.

Turns out I was wrong in my estimate. Cyberpunk 2077 has tons of customization selections for character creation but I ran into a problem even before I got to start the whole ‘make the character look the way you want’ step…I could not see anything. Sure, I could see the start of all the dialogs but even with my big ‘ole 4K resolution screen, I could not see all the text. It turns out I had to scroll down within the various windows to be able to read the whole thing, but the problem was…I could not scroll at all. Yup, I was stuck and could not really do much to even create my character because my scrolling would not work. So I went on a ‘pre-game’ quest to the land of the Interweb to find out how to overcome the scrolling issue and it turns out the problem was with my trackball. The Logitech Ergo Multi-Device Trackball apparently does not work well with the game when the Smooth Scrolling feature is enabled. Disabling this setting and I was able to get around the menus and windows without any trouble…quest 1 accomplished.
Starting fresh
I’ve wanted to re-read The Rook again and have sputtered and halted, much like my blogging recently. I’m gonna jump in with both feet his time, though, as I already started listening to the first chapter this morning.

The first chapter of The Rook provides a great setup for the story…memories lost, letters from our hero’s former self, strangers out to get her, and some kind of superpower that is thwarted by latex gloves. It’s a fun beginning and I’m looking forward to this re-read.
Fighting Jedi and Sith
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #3
By Jeremy Barlow and Juan Frigeri.

In this installment, Darth Maul has captured both Count Dooku and General Grievous and while his allies took significant casualties, he struck a strong blow against his former master, Darth Sidious. Now he’s got to decide what to do with the Dark Side’s Generals and with the Jedi hot on his tail, he may find that fighting against both the Sith and the Jedi might prove to be too much. With Separatists, Mandalorians, Droids, and Clones the action in this issue takes place right in the middle of the Clone Wars and provides some interesting background to the forces of the Dark Side of the Force. I’m glad to get back into the story but I think the limited series is only four issues long so my time with Maul will be short. I am finding the Mother Talzin angle interesting and I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.
It’s a Wrap
I’m pleased I was able to finally get this rolling again…2020 has been so crazy I figured I’d never get blogging again. Instead, I simply did what I used to do and wrote about what I’m enjoying these days. Cyberpunk looks like it’ll give me a lot of enjoyment now that I’ve jumped over the first hurdle, and of course, I know The Rook is a fun read. As for Darth Maul, I am looking to see where this series goes but am finding myself wishing for more…at least for now. We’ll see how things go as I read the final installment. In any case, getting back into regular posting is something I’m looking forward to and hopefully, it will stick again. At one point, I had a few hundred daily posts without interruption and I’m hoping to repeat that feat and even extend it this time around.
Ramble #552 2020.04.05| Steps Forward