Reset the Mirror and Bugs Bunny
I’ve been posting a lot about baseball lately but for good reason. With the actual MLB season starting up, I’ve been watching games every day and with my Out of the Park Baseball simulations I’ve been playing games regularly. There is a twist in OOTP today though that I go into and need to make some decisions about.
While baseball has been a big focus I also am still going through the ComicCon@Home panel. Today I came across Bugs Bunny and his 80th anniversary. I certainly did not know it’s been 80 years since Bugs was born but it was cool to check out the panel and learn more about him and Warner Brothers.
16 Team Playoff
Well now I am really in a pickle with my Out of the Park Baseball leagues. MLB has announced that there will be a 16 team playoff system this season and OOTP has just published an update that will handle this new situation. The problem is that in order for the update to apply to the game you have to start a NEW game which really sucks.

I suppose that it’s good to see that OOTP is quick with their updates. I wonder how long it will take them to add in the 7 inning double header rule that MLB just introduced. But with MLB seemingly changing the rules every week to try to account for COVID – I’m surprised they didn’t chance the rules to allow trash can banging for the cheating Astros since the commissioner lover them so much – I don’t like the idea of restarting my season every time things change.
So…I’ve got 2 games that I am currently playing. Either of which would be nice to set up with the 16 team playoff plan that MLB just announced. As for the 7 inning double header stuff…I’m not really on board with that. What to do…
I’m thinking I should let my Second Chance League move ahead with the rules that it’s playing under. That season was set up with the original schedule for 2020 and I’m thinking that can just keep going as a simulation of what-if the season had occurred naturally. That league doesn’t even have the runner on 2nd base in extra innings rule.
For my MLB Mirror league, I’m thinking it should be more of a mirror to the current MLB season than SCL is. I mean, that was set up with the new 60 game schedule and COVID rules so extra innings begin with a runner on 2nd base. I think with the short season it might be fun to give the 16 team playoffs a look. Also, since each game is so important to get though the 60 games to the playoffs I think it would be alright if I restarted the season.
So there you have it. I’m gonna leave the SCL alone and continue playing through the 2020 season as it was originally laid out. For my MLB Mirror league, I’m gonna start over and give the league a 16 team playoff at the end of the season.
The restart of the MLB Mirror league will also give me a chance to reset the games where my injuries were inconsistent with the real MLB season start.
Thoughts on Bugs Bunny 80th Anniversary Panel
So I guess this is the 80th anniversary of Bugs Bunny on the screen. From the panel, I relearned something I knew previously – that cartoons were originally made to keep audiences entertained during movie intermission. They weren’t made for TV, but that’s how we all see them these days.
In any case, I missed the actual 80th birthday, but July 27th, 1940 was when Bugs Bunny got his first major role in what amounts to his own show. He was the star of A Wild Hare and right from the start there was a great chemistry between Bugs and his costar, Elmer Fudd. Sure, it was the hunter vs rabbit battle we see throughout the years but even back then, 80 years ago, it was a classic they were making.
This year, Warner Brothers is coming out with and 80th anniversary celebration pack that will include 60 of his best cartoons on blue-ray, some for the first time. There’s a Funko figure and a documentary about the rascaly rabbit.
It looks pretty cool. And I’m sure the audio is great too!
I always fondly remember that Bugs and his buddies were always accompanied by some really good classical music and in the past I’ve actually sought out performances where the orchestra plays to the cartoon. Sadly with COVID, those wonderful performances are put on hold.
So the bottom line of this panel was to celebrate Bugs and Warner Brothers and I though it was a nice, informative bunch of people.
Promptapalooza Prompt Day 2
Today also day 2 of Blaugust or rather it is the second day that we are posting a prompt for Promptapalooza. Yup, this year, Belghast over at Tale of the Aggronaut has suggested a different format…we’re gonna be posting writing prompts each day to get things rolling and to see the different perspectives on various topics in gaming, pop-culture, media, and fandoms.

The prompt for today (which I’ll tackle tomorrow) is:
What is some popular piece of content/media that seems to be universally loved that you have never been able to understand?
I’m hoping to put on my thinking cap tonight as I sleep to figure out what to say.
It’s a Wrap
I guess today was a little frustrating with my learning about the changes to OOTP and the requirements of having to start a new game for them to take effect. I suppose it’s not too much of an imposition though since I’m still early in the game. As for Bugs Bunny, while I’m glad to learn of his 80th birthday it’s another reminder of how the world has changed due to COVID. Someday things will get back to normal and we’ll be able to go out to see the orchestra or movies or just to a restaurant for dinner, but for now we’ll have to stick with Promptapalooza and video games.
Ramble 2020.03.21 | Reset the Mirror and Bugs Bunny