A Misunderstanding of the Force

Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #5

Writer: Matt Owens
Penciler: Denys Cowan
Inker: Roberto Poggi
Colorist: Guru-eFX
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Published by Marvel Comics, 2017


  • The Good: Mace Windu, Rissa Mano, Kit Fisto, Yoda
  • The Bad: AD-W4, Droids
  • The Undecided: Prosset Dibs

Book I, Part V

This issue concludes the Mace Windu limited series, and now that we’ve learned more about the Knight and his background, we focus more fully on taking care of the mission he and his band of Jedi were sent on. With Prosset Dibs restrained in their ship, the remaining three Jedi set about their quest to subdue the Separatists on Hissrich. But this isn’t a simple task.

First, they’ve gotta take care of the vast number of droids that have been deployed by General Grievous. Then they’ve gotta deal with the mercenary AD-W4, then they need to deal with the damage the Separatists have inflicted on the natives and the planet.

While these are dangerous tasks, they are being addressed by Jedi Knights, so they’re definitely doable. Kit Fisto seems to revel in the job of slicing and dicing droids and, after dealing with hundreds, is joined by Rissa Mano to finish off the task. And while their lightsabers are cutting droids into pieces, Windu takes on AD-W4. This mercenary droid is pretty formidable, but Mace is an expert swordsman. I’m sure you can figure out who won the battle.

Having taken care of things on Hissrich, the Jedi head home where they have to deal with Dibs and the Council. Dibs is still pretty upset about the war and feels betrayed by the Jedi, but Mace insists he is spared the mandatory execution. Treason might be unforgivable, but Windu insists the whole thing is just a misunderstanding and that Dibs should be given time to reconcile his confusion with the Force.


On the whole, this was a pretty good issue. All three of the Jedi get screen time and show how well they can wield their lightsabers. Prosset Dibs even gets a monologue to air his grievances against the Jedi and the war.

I rate this issue a Read, but I would like to see another couple of series highlighting Mano and Fisto since they were some pretty good characters.

This comic can be found on Comixology, on Marvel Unlimited, or at your local comic book shop.

Comic Corner | First look at Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #5