AD-W4 Can Fight!
Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #2
Writer: Matt Owens
Penciler: Denys Cowan
Inker: Roberto Poggi
Colorist: Guru-eFX
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Published by Marvel Comics, 2017
Book I, Part II

In the last issue, Mace was sent on a mission to the planet Hissrich to stop the Separatists from gaining a foothold in the Outer Rim. He did not go alone, though, as he brought Kit Fisto, Prosseet Dibs, and Rissa Mano to round out his assault team. Little did the Jedi Council know when they sent him, the Separatists have enlisted the services of a mercenary droid, AD-W4, to ensure their plans come to fruition.
The Jedi made short work of the standard droids in the first issue, but in this installment, there are more formidable foes. Actually, we get to see AD-W4 fight, and he’s not too bad for a droid. He gives Mace a run for his money, and I think I’d have to call this first encounter a draw.
Aside from battles with the droids, the Jedi team works with the native population to protect the ecosystem, and we find out the real goal of the Separatists…they are trying to harvest the local plants as an energy source.
The art in this issue is a bit hit or miss with some scenes highly detailed and others sparsely lined, but it works for the story. I even get more of a cartoon vibe from some of the panels and depictions, but I am enjoying the way things are drawn.

And what I think is the most exciting aspect of the comic is the dialog between AD-W4 and Windu as it points to the Jedi’s pacifist is nature and his devout faith in the Jedi religion. This ties back to my thoughts from issue 1 and how I am not sure that the warrior priests of the Jedi are the best candidates to serve as the generals of the Republic.

On the whole, this is a good issue that continues to fill in some of the back story of Mace Windu.
I’m enjoying the reading so I rate this issue a Read.
This comic can be found on Comixology, on Marvel Unlimited, or at your local comic book shop.
Comic Corner | Reading Recommendation of Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #2