A Skip and A Gotta Watch
Ramble #6: A Skip and A Gotta Watch
Not every comic I read works for me and today I found one that was not my cup of tea. While I like the idea of Ironheart, I really did not get into the first issue. Perhaps future issues will impress me and I’ll get into the series, but at this point I’m close to dropping it from my radar. Perhaps I’ll give it another issue or 2. In contrast, a series I’m totally into is the World Series where Washington and Houston have really made this a fun Fall Classic.

Building Iron Character
Ironheart #1 by Eve L. Ewing, Kevin Libranda, and Luciano Vecchio. Published by Marvel Comics, 2018.
I just did not get into this issue. I thought the art was cool and I liked the idea of a young African American woman taking on an Iron Man suit, but it seemed to be too much of a ‘getting-to know you’ type story. I usually like to get to see a character do some things before I learn all about their troubles growing up and how they’re a loner and all. This issue just seemed to throw all that stuff at the reader and it really didn’t connect with me. I suppose if I had read some of the other issues with Riri in them I might have enjoyed the background but I just felt the issue was too focused on building up a the idea of a character rather than someone I have an association with.
We’ll see how future issues go but for now I rate this a Skip
This comic can be found on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology or at your local comic book shop.
Tied up at 2
Two games in Houston and the Nationals were up 2-0 in the series, now after 2 in DC, its tied 2-2. I guess this is not the year of home field advantage which makes me kinda feel bad for the Washington fans. After so many years without a World Series in the town it would have been nice to see them win a game at home. I supposed they can win today but beating Gerrit Cole 2 games in a row is gonna be a though feat. And with Verlander in the next game, I’m worried the Nationals may have won their last game in 2019.
Kudos to Houston though for turning this back into a series. After the first 2 games it was looking like the Astros were packing it in. They looked lethargic and seemed to be simply going through the motions. Now that they’ve been threatened with losing the series, they seem to have woken up and have turned the series around.
Not really having a team in that I’m rooting for, I’m actually happy to see the current state of the Series. The two teams have made this pretty fun to watch and where I expected a lopsided Astros win, I’m pleased to see Washington make Houston fight for the title. It’s been a lot of fun to watch.
It’s a Wrap
I don’t expect to enjoy every series and today provides an example of a split decision. For comics, I just couldn’t get into Ironheart #1 but I’m willing to give is another shot or two. And that looks like a wise move since I gave the World Series another couple games and with the series tied up, it’s certainly exciting now. I think the idea is that I should give each series a few opportunities to impress me and let them get beyond my initial impression before deciding on the whole thing. With that in mind, I’ll see how Ironheart #2 goes and play things an issue at a time.
Ramble #6 | A Skip and A Gotta Watch