Refining My Pull List

This morning, before I took a look at the comics that came out this week that I’d like to read, I thought it would be a good idea to refine my pull list and update my criteria for selection each week. I’ve just been trying to read too much and if I keep buying new comics without reading them I’m just spending money to build up my backlog. I’d rather cut back and focus on what I want to and can read so I’m gonna try something new.


Updating Criteria

I’ve been having some difficulties getting through all the comics I’ve been selecting each week in my Pull List so I think I’m gonna update which selections I make each week.

Right now, I kinda pick haphazardly based on ratings from ComicBook Roundup and while that works well I think I’ve been setting the bar too low. If I raise the bar I’ll have more quality comics and a more distinguished selection. With that in mind I’m gonna try to focus on issues that are rated at a 9 or above by 3 or more ‘critics’.

Sure I’ll still find issues I want to follow that fall below this criteria but I think these new rules could help me narrow down my reading and focus my attention on issues that are well regarded.

As usual, we’ll see how it goes…


Add in Rebirth Again

I’m also looking to update my Pull List by adding back in my DC Rebirth reading list.

It’s been a year or so since I was reading through the DC Rebirth titles in an orderly fashion and I think I’ve gotten over the trauma from Suicide Squad Special #1.

With that in mind, I’m gonna start back up and get back into the DC Rebirth thing by tackling some Green Lanterns this week.


It’s a Wrap

Hopefully these two refinements will help cut down on the additions I make to my backlog each week. I also figure if a comic is good it’ll not only show up on the weekly list but the graphic novel will also get rated when it comes out.

I’ll give these new refinements a try for a while and assess how they work out…I’m thinking they can’t be much worse than what I’ve been doing lately.

Morning Ramble 4 | Refining My Pull List