Reading from Week 45 of 2018

As I was running outta time to post today I realized I have really dropped the ball intracking the books I read this year. Apparently the last time I updated my reading list from 2018 was back in May and I know I’ve read quite a few books since then including some pretty good ones.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to go back through 5 months of book selections today but now that I realize I’ve fallen pretty far behind, I’m gonna work to catch up.

Regardless I will take a look back at the books I read last week.

From the selection of books I have for November I jumped into 2 last week – Zeroes by Chuck Wendig and All Systems Red by Martha Wells – and I actually finished Zeroes while only starting, the other.

Zeroes is a thriller along the lines of Neuromancer by William Gibson that dives into conspiracy theories and cyber-espionage on the world stage. The story starts out with the government enlisting a group of hackers to perform various special missions and infiltrations and while that may be plenty for any normal novel, this one goes well beyond those beginnings. This book is fast paced and reads like it could easily be translated into a television series of movie, and it’s a lot of fun.

As for All Systems Red, I didn’t get too far in the short time I had to read but it contained another interesting concept. This is a story told from an Artificial Intelligence’s point of view and this narrator calls itself ‘Murderbot’. It has been a lot of fun so far and I’m looking forward to seeing where this A. I. takes us.

So that’s it for now. I’m hoping to be able to consolidate some of the reading I did in the last 5 months together with my earlier posts next week, but we’ll see.

Books | Reading from Week 45 of 2018