Starting with Flying Dead Men on #Blaugust Day 19

Daily Ramble 17: Dead Men, Flying Sharks, and Starting from Scratch

Day 19 of #BlaugustReborn was a nice relaxing one in which I was able to read a bit, watch some TV, and play a bit of WoW and it was all pretty good. Brian K. Vaughan is on of my favorite comic writers and Y the Last Man is definitely developing into an enjoyable read. As for TV, I decided that with all the stress I’ve been dealing with at work, I just needed a mindless show to watch, so I threw on the latest Sharknado. Finally, I decided that it’d be best to hold off on playing the newest content in Warcraft since it’s been so long since I’ve been in that world. So I started up a new character and headed into the starting zone.


Y the Last Man

I read the second issue of Y the Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra and it was just as good as the first. In this installment we get a bit more of the situation explained and we jump ahead a couple months. It appears that every male animal on the planet has died except for Yorick and Ampersand. This results in some pretty bad situations as planes crashed, the economy has fallen apart, and the government is left with the Secretary of Agriculture as the President of the United States. It just so happens though, that this new President is the mother of Yorick which I’m sure will lead to more interesting twists as the story continues.



Tonight is the premier of Sharknado 6, _The Last Sharknado: It’s About a Time_, and I think I might give this a watch.

Sure, I’m not expecting anything real groundbreaking or good, but it could be a fun and campy show. There’s no reason everything I watch on TV has to be good or thoughtful or artistic. Every once in a while I enjoy watching a crappy little show that just lets me zone out and not care about anything.


Orc Starting Zone

Hmm…I never realized how boring and monotonous the starting area is for the Orcs in World of Warcraft. When I’m coming from Secret World Legends where I’ve got to think about the missions I take on and sometimes even need to apply science or math to solve them, it’s a dramatic change of pace to simple go to area X and kill things.

In any case, I created a new Orc Hunter to get me back into the game world and to relearn some of the lore. So while everyone is running around at 110+ levels, I’m gonna start at the beginning.

Blaugust Day 8 – Campy Summer Shows Filling My DVR

  • First Degree and Six Shows From Last Week
  • Fire and Water and flying to Titan
  • Preacher’s Rapid Fire Starting Zone
  • Rambling Again on #Blaugust Day 17