MMO Book Club and the Hall of Fame
Daily Ramble 2: MMO Book Club and the Hall of Fame
This week Blaugust starts but we’re not quite there yet…still a couple days to go, but I’m so excited I went and started renumbering my daily ramble posts. Before Blaugust begins the MMO Book Club has a vote going on to determine the game the club is focusing on for the month and we’ve got 3 nice selections that I could easily see myself playing. The other big thing that went down recently was the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony and this year I was particularly interested since I’ve got a stronger connection that other years to some of the inductees.
Voting for August MMO
The voting for the MMO Book Club’s Game of the month is in full swing over at the [Discord]( and we’re selecting from 3 different titles. For some reason contining the Wildstar cycle from this month is not a possible selection even though it was pretty fun but the 3 choices look interesting.
The choices are:
- World of Warcraft
- Skyforge
- DC Universe Online

I’m kinda leaning towards WoW but then with the expansion happening this month I expect I’ll be playing Warcraft regardless of the Book Club. The question I really have is…if the Book Club picks WoW do I start up a new character on whichever server they’re running on or do I stick with Bloodhoof?
In any case if you want to vote your two cents and join in with the Book Club, head over to the discord and sign up.
Hall of Fame Inductions
Sunday was the induction ceremony for the Baseball Hall of Fame and I actually watched it for the first time. I had motivation this year because the people entering the Hall were close to me. With Vladimir Guerrero being inducted as the first player to wear an Angel uniform I was of course gonna support him. He was a spectacular hitter that could knock it over the fence regardless of where the pitch was thrown, even if it bounced. He was truly an incredible hitter.
I also happen to have a connection to Alan Trammell whose mother I used to work with. It was cool seeing him and Vlad inducted on the same day.
But the real tie I have with the ceremony yesterday was with Trevor Hoffman. Living in San Diego, I watched him pitch many games and even went to a World Series game he pitched in. But even before I moved down to San Diego and before Trevor pitched for the Padres, he pitched for the Northwest Anaheim Little League Angels that I played on as well.
So yeah, as of Sunday I’ve actually played baseball on a team with a Hall of Famer.
A Hall of Famer who played shortstop on our Little League team (along with pitching) and though he was tons better than I was, we often formed a double play battery as I played 2nd base.
So now my name dropping has reached sky high levels as I can honestly say I played Little League with one of the best players ever.
Congrats Trevor, Congrats Alan, and Congrats Vlad. You guys were great ball players and I’m happy to have watched you play, had you on my fantasy teams, and actually played with way back when.
Daily Ramble 2 | MMO Book Club and the Hall of Fame