Trailers and the #2018MMM Stinker

Daily Ramble 181:Trailers and the #2018MMM Stinker

As usual, the contests of the March Mammal Madness don’t always go as expected. The Bobcat and Skunk battle is one such match. I really thought the skunk would have put up a better fight and the Bobcat would have received a nose full. Unfortunately the rodent just ran away and let the cat advance to the next round.

Beyond the 2018MMM I found that there were a few trailers I hadn’t seen before that related to Marvel TV and movies…the last Avengers: Infinity War video before the movie comes out and a new TV show.


Bobcat vs. Striped Skunk

Well, I am really upset by the results of this battle.

Here’s the breakdown

I suppose the fact that neither animal really wanted to fight could have lead to the unfortunate result but I thought for sure that the Skunk would at least get a squirt off. As things broke down though, neither side even interacted with the other more than jumping up and down and staring at each other. Pretty weak for the Skunk and I fear he may very well get eaten by the next bobcat that comes around since he didn’t teach them a lesson.

You can follow all the 2018 March Mammal Madness action at Mammals Suck…Milk! and in particular on Twitter with the hash tag #2108MMM.


Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

There’ve been a few trailers for this movie out so far but I think this may be the last before the film releases on April 27th.

This’ll be another must watch for any superhero fan and I certainly hope it lives up too the hype. I do worry that Marvel may be saturating the market with so many comic book movies. Black Panther was a success but then we get Avengers in April, Deadpool in May, Ant-Man and the Wasp in June…it just seems like a non-stop barrage of superhero movies.


Cloak & Dagger on Freeform TV

I haven’t heard much about this show just like I haven’t heard much about these characters but from the trailer it looks like it has potential.

My knowlege of Cloak & Dagger comes mostly from seeing them in the Runaways comics where they were brought in by the corrupt parents and cops to try to catch the kids…it didn’t go so well.

As far as I know, Cloak’s powers revolve around his dark cloak that allows him to teleport and become intangible. He can also send people into a dark dimension which really messes with their minds. Dagger on the other hand is a creature of the light and she uses light daggers as the two try to save the downtrodden and fight drug dealers and other criminals.

I’m not sure about the Freeform network for superhero shows, they seem to be most successful on Netflix or The CW, but I’ll give this a chance and hopefully this’ll turn out to be another station where comics can come to life.