Infinity War…Can’t Wait
Daily Ramble 94: Infinity War…Can’t Wait
Wow! This movie is gonna have everyone in it! First we’ve got the bad guy – Thanos.

Here we have Dr. Strange, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Wong.
Those are some pretty powerful people hanging out in the Sanctum Sanctorum and it looks like Hulk may have just dropped in literally.
Then of course, you can’t be in New York without getting a visit from Spider-Man.
I’m pretty pleased with this incarnation of Spidey so I’m glad he’ll be in this movie, though my understanding is he takes a beating.
Speaking of beatings, Vison is in this as well and it doesn’t look too good for him.
Since the Mind Stone that sits in his forehead is one of the Infinity Stones I’m not sure this movie will end with a positive outcome for him.
Then we head to Wakanda to check out the contingent there.
Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Black Panther, Hulk (again), Falcon, and I think that’s Warmachine (though it could be Iron Man in some dark armor). These guys alone would cause anyone to think twice about doing bad stuff.
With all these heroes, how can Thanos possibly hope to win?
Well, he’s got at least 2 of the stones already so that’s bad.
Maybe these guys can help out though…
On the whole this looks like it’s gonna be a hell of a movie. I don’t expect much in the way of character development within the movie since there are a least 20 characters I mentioned and I didn’t even see Ant-Man or Hawkeye or mention Thor and Loki. And I expect there are a few others that’ll show up that aren’t in the trailer. Instead, I expect that any development will be implied offscreen between the last movies and this one (comics notoriously have things happen offscreen that they don’t have the room to depict). In any case, I’m looking forward to seeing it next year.