Plans For October 2017

Daily Ramble 41: Plans for October

I got a bunch done that I planned to do in September so I think it’s appropriate to plan out October so I have some targets. Comics, games, books to read – I think I’m being pretty ambitious with everything I’ve got planned but if I don’t try to reach for accomplishments then I won’t feel as good when I complete them.


My current plan for comics is split into a few different directions. First off is my DC Rebirth Reading where I should finally be starting the Rebirth chronology. I petty much finished off the pre-Rebirth titles and any I haven’t finished by the end of September I’ll be sure to get done. With that in mind, I would like to get through 15 issues to get a good start.
For Marvel, I’d like to make a good dent in my 1963 Reading. I’ve got about 60 issues left in the year but I don’t think I’ll be able to get through that many so I’ll try to read through 20 of them. That’ll get me into the first few issues of Amazing Spider-Man so that sounds like a good plan.
With those two covering 35 issues I think that’s plenty for my monthly goal. Plus, any reading I do for the rest of the year counts as bonus time for my yearly goal since I’ve already passed my 250 issue mark for the year. Kudos to me!
Finally, in my Comic-Con Graphic Novel Book Club were scheduled to read the Hellboy Seed of Destruction arc that I just finished and the first volume of Locke & Key. I’m looking forward to discussing them at our meeting in October.


Albion has been my main MMO these days and in October, I plan on to keep it that way. I’ve got over 40 day’s left on my premium time so I’m good there and I still have a bunch of unspent gold so if needed I can buy more time with in game money. With everything paid for, my goals are to move up to using tier 5 weapons and be able to craft everything I need. In particular, I need to start gathering the special resources needed for crafting my staffs and even venture out to some new areas to grab tier 5 materials.
Secret World Legends should be a fun secondary game for the month of October. Now that they’ve started releasing Tokyo and are getting closer to new content I’m thinking it’ll be a good time to finally get off Solomon Island and start making some progress.


SMITE has been a lot of fun and I’ve finally made it to level 30. Unfortunately I still have more requirements to go in order to get into Ranked play, but I know I’ll check all the boxes in October. Since I’m so close to ranked play I need to start watching some videos so I can get a better feel for the meta and how to approach the different game modes.
As far as League of Legends, I’m surprised I made it a full month without playing but I’m not ready to go back yet. It’s been a nice month without the League toxicity everyday, let’s make it 2.


Destiny 2 has been my main non-MMO game and I’m enjoying it. I am hoping to get the console up to level 20 and finish off the story but I know I’m always slow in games. This is definitely my go to game for fragging monsters.
This month I’m gonna give some time over to Fortnite as well. Everyone and their brother and children have been playing Pubg but I’ve stayed away from the hoopla. Fortnite however has put out a patch that includes a battle royal mode that is pretty close to Pubg…parachute in, find weapons, shot anything that moves, avoid the diminishing boundaries, try to be the last one standing. Fortnite adds in building so you can create your own structures for defense and you can make stairs to gain access to higher ground and any items that may be up there. It’s a fun mode even if it is pretty much a copy of Pubg.


I didn’t finish Arcadia in September but I’m partway through it so I’ll complete it this month. The other books I’m targeting for October include The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss and since the movie is coming out this month, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick. H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald is my non-fiction pick of the month and for Asimov, I’m getting into the Empire part of his story with The Currents of Space. Five books this month so I think I’ll have my hands full.