Three Sisters and Some Titans

Daily Ramble 40: Three Sisters and Some Titans

I’ve been trying to explore the new content since the patch in Albion dropped on Wednesday and today I finally got one of the new expeditions to run. Learning new things is always welcome and I hope there are more new things that I can experience in the game but I just want the queues to not take so long right now. But while I wait for the expeditions to start, I was about to begin my reading of Titans Hunt.


Finally a new Expedition

The patch came out on Wednesday and though I’ve played through 8 Tier 6 expeditions I never got one of the 2 new dungeon experiences. Then this morning I queued up…and after a 20 minute wait…I finally was selected for one of the new dungeons – Three Sisters.

This is a pretty neat dungeon but it is pretty much similar in that we run through a maze-like path to get to the end boss (now that I look at the map again, it kinda looks like Rogue). Actually, this time, the end fight is more difficult as there are multiple bosses that put up a pretty good fight. There’s also a few new mechanics that make this dungeon more difficult, namely the circling blades.

I’m not sure what the spell name is because so far I’ve just worked on avoiding them, but they’re not fun. Actually, the first time I encountered then, I died. Yeah, they are pretty deadly the idea is to stay away from them. The only problem is that when a player gets “infected” the tendency is to run away from what hit you. If you do that you’re likely to run into other members of your party which is the wrong move. After my first death, I realized that when you get “infected” you don’t seem to take any damage – it’s only people who get hit with the circling blades that take damage. So the idea is to stay in the fight and keep doing damage – sure you should move to the side and out of range from your buddies so the blades don’t hit them, but you can still fight. Just make sure you do more damage to the bad guys than the blades do to your buddies.

With the increased difficulty of this dungeon and the slowdown of the Mushroom Cave clear time I’m thinking there are a lot of people choosing to do things other than expeditions right now…the queues are getting long.


Titans Hunt

Titans Hunt is the last of the series from the New 52 that lead up to DC Rebirth according to the order I’m following.

So far most of the story arcs have been pretty good – Final Days of Superman, Lois and Clark’s Arrival, Justice League of America’s Power and Glory, and The Darkseid War to name a few that I’ve recently read through. Actually, now that I think of it, I’ll have to put on my thinking cap and put these guys in an order of my preference sometime. Needless to say, I now know a bunch more about the DC universe and the ending of the New 52 than I ever expected before I started on this journey. And with Titans Hunt, I look forward to another good tale and am eagerly anticipating the DC Rebirth.