Level 30 in SMITE!

Daily Ramble 19: Leveled to 30 in SMITE

I started playing SMITE a few months ago because I was fed up with League of Legends, and finally after a low level of playing and learning over months, I’ve managed to reach level 30 to open up ranked play. 

5 months and well over a hundred games and I am finally looking at what the requirements are for the next level…and I still don’t meet them. Regardless, I am pretty happy that I’ve accomplished the main subtask of reaching level 30.

Along with an account level of 30, earlier this week, I leveled Kukulkan up to level X which clearly places him as my most played god. Of the rest, I only have 9 gods ranked 1 or higher and apparently to play ranked, you need to have 18 gods “mastered”. I now know my next quest in the game…picking out and leveling 9 more gods to level 1.

As far as my frustrations with League of Legends, I’ve fluctuated between playing and hating the game and am now in another phase of dislike. When I can enjoy a match of SMITE and have a decently contested match 90% of the time, I am happy whether I win or lose. Games are winnable even when you’ve lost a phoenix or two, you just gotta keep trying. League seems to be almost the opposite (maybe not that bad) with matches mostly determined by Riot’s matchmaking, if people are trying out their brand new champion for the first time in ranked, or if they think it’s more important to type at their teammates rather than play the game. At best, I’d say League win opportunities come down to something like 35% of the games are determined by Riot’s matchmaking regardless of how well you play, 35% are seemingly determined by the disposition of your teammates (toxic, first time champ, AFK) and the last 30% depends on how you actually play. Sure you can get the rare occasion when Riot’s placed to in a Sure Loss match but you win because the other team has an AFK, but that’s pretty rare. In any case, I’m still on my vacation from League and enjoying it. With how much fun I’m having in SMITE, I may never go back.

2 Comments on “Level 30 in SMITE!

  1. Level 30 is no longer the cap though :/

    After the raised the cap, I had enough experience to jump up to level 49. At this point I have 60 gods at mastery I, but still haven’t leveled up one to X. Loki is the closest at mastery IV. I love SMITE but I have yet to play a ranked game, and I rarely play Conquest. Honestly I like the other modes better, particularly Clash and Arena. Joust and Assault can be fun as well. I realize those are the “B” squad maps but I played LoL religiously from 2011 until last year and once I started SMITE I didn’t want to jump back into the same old shit. I suppose I should give ranked a go at some point, but with the amount of other games to devote time to I don’t know that I’ll ever want to put my all into it. Hell, when I did that with LoL (and by “all” I mean just when I have time, not playing crazy hours like the pros) I managed to place in Silver a couple of times. Never really felt the drive to push further, I want to play these games for fun, not to be the best of the best.

    Glad you’re enjoying it. If you need a break from that, I’d recommend Paladins as well, it still has the objective based team gameplay but is first person and a shooter of sorts (think Overwatch-ish).