Morning Ramble 388: Alone Together with Hulk
Hulk #5
This issue contains 2 stories – Beauty and the Beast and the Hulk vs the Hordes of General Fang.

On the whole, they continue with Dr Banner’s control of the Hulk transformation but as he’s starting to stay in the Hulk form for so long, he realizes that he is losing his Banner personality. While that helps him destroy things, he loses his intellect. In any case, a bad guy named Tyranus takes Betty captive in his underground world and while the Hulk tries to rescue her, he is captured and threats of danger to Betty keeps him a slave. It’s a pretty weak storyline but the Herculean tasks set out for Hulk are cool to see.
The second story is a bit better if only because the Hulk dresses up as the Abominable Snowman and we actually see General Ross use his freeze missile that he showed us a few issues ago. In this story we tackle Commies again but not the Ruskies, these are Chinese, but the end result is the same. No one can withstand the Hulk. Sadly, it takes more than an unstoppable hero to make a good comic. After climbing up to a B- with the second half of issue 4, I’d throw both of these back down into to C- rating.
Alone? Season 4
I’ve been an avid fan of the Alone TV show on History Channel but this year, they’re doing something different. They’re alone with a partner. Huh? The premise has been a contest to see who can stay and survive the longest without going crazy. I’m a bit confused about the show this season but it has been fun to watch so far. They started with 7 teams and are already down to 4 and those three teams never even got to meet up.
I like the idea of having the participants have to hike to their long term site. It changes things up and as we’ve seen, people get hurt when they have to travel in unknown territory. But I’m skeptical about the whole husband and wife/brothers/family member thing as a true representation of being alone in the wilderness. Sure, you have to gather more food but having 2 sets of eyes to attend to the cougars, wolves, and bears makes things easier too.
We’ll just have to see how things play out – they started meeting up and at least 2 of the teams are together now. 4 are left .